Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Grandparents..

I'm feeling the need to ramble a a little bit. I have been laying in bed wide awake trying to go back to sleep and I keep seeing this picture and my mind is spinning full of thoughts. I know it sounds crazy! So here it goes.. I took this picture on our drive home from the cabin a couple of weeks ago. Looking at an Arizona sunset always fills my heart with so many things. First being how grateful I 'am to live here! Second, my grandparents... My sister and I spent many summers visiting them and I remember sitting on the back porch watching the sunset with them. I'd like to think they are one of the reasons we moved here(other than finding a job). I've always felt a little slided that I didn't get more time with my grandmother. When we moved here she was extremely sick with cancer and died soon after. I'm very grateful for the tender moments we had while she was sick and I could take care of her. My grandparents have always been a constant in my life. They were our Christmas, there for every holiday and every event no matter where we were living (I moved 14 times before I graduated High School). My grandmother could sew or make anything and was always humming or singing a tune while she worked. She had experiences in her life that were extremely heart wrenching that shaped her and made her the woman that I loved. My grandfather (Que) is the kind of man that I wanted to find and marry someday(I did). I'm so grateful for the example they have set for me. My grandmother taught me so much and looking back she still does. My grandfather, I don't get to see as often as I'd like but, he's remarried to a wonderful woman Flora who loves him and takes good care of him. I'm very thankful for that..
Okay.. I'm losing it I know! But, I just re-read this and it reminds me of the quote I have in my kitchen. " The tender mercies of the Lord are real. They do not occur randomly or by coincidence." David A. Bednar


The Williams Family said...

I guess I was trying to say how much my grandparents have affected the decisions in my life. The sunset brings back many wonderful memories.

Di said...

Yes, my dear "little" di,your Grandparents are one of those Tender Mercies. I have no doubt that your Grandmother continues her sphere of infuience in the life of her loved ones. It is a blessing when we can recognize those choice moments in our life. Love you! Big Di

Nichole Barney said...

I love to read about different family experieces. Thanks for sharing about your grandparents. You have such a great family!